Tag Archives: #Democrats

Biden must drop out of the race before it’s too late

This op-ed was published by The National on June 28, 2024

It was an unprecedented fiasco. US president Joe Biden‘s re-election candidacy crashed and burned spectacularly at the debate against former president and convicted felon Donald Trump. On policy, Mr. Biden had the better of the conversation, such as it was, but on style he failed miserably. He came across as bumbling and often confused.

I warned on these pages that style would outweigh substance. Mr. Trump had a far better night on style, seeming confident and controlled. He avoided outrageous outbursts. He contained himself emotionally, which was his main task. Mr. Biden, by contrast, had a meltdown on his primary assignment, which was to reassure Americans that he is capable, focused, engaged, mentally acute and ready to continue in this highly challenging job.

On substance, Mr. Trump was dreadful. He mainly relied on outrageous falsehoods, claiming credit for accomplishments, like job growth and deficit reduction, that were in fact secured by Mr. Biden.

He occasionally displayed bouts of excessive nastiness, but between the disgracefully disengaged moderators and Mr. Biden’s misguided effort to remain “presidential”, he faced remarkably few provocations.

Mystifyingly, Mr Biden barely mentioned Mr Trump’s criminal record, and no one seriously interrogated his status as an adjudicated sexual abuser and serial fraudster. He also astonishingly failed to mention strengthening NATO by adding Finland and Sweden despite Hungarian and Turkish recalcitrance.

Mr Biden had some strong moments, observing that Mr Trump has the “morals of an alley cat,” and is a “whiner” who can’t accept a legitimate defeat. Mr Trump’s performance had extremely serious flaws, including his predictable refusal to commit to respecting the election outcome and dodging questions on issues such as childcare and climate change.

The “debate” degenerated into farce during a preposterous argument about golf. But Mr Trump came closer to laying out a vision for a second term. The president’s misguided insistence on rising above Mr Trump’s sordid criminality and adjudicated abuses should at least have facilitated a laser-like focus on how he proposes to improve the lives of ordinary Americans. He wretchedly failed to do either effectively.

Mr. Biden displayed surprising and impressive vigor during March’s State of the Union address when he was robust, forceful and at his best as he sparred extemporaneously with Republican hecklers. Last night, he seemed a different person altogether.

Democrats have been insisting that behind closed doors he seems fine. Obviously, those who reported that he has “good days and bad days”, typically said of someone who’s fundamentally unwell, were telling the truth. That fact is now on full display because of the contrast between the two performances. And it’s likely catastrophic for his chances.

The administration insiders who have been insisting Mr. Biden is sharp and focused have much to answer for. What, after all, are the chances that the bumbling and confused president of the debate never exhibited those characteristics before?

I greatly admire Mr. Biden. In my assessment, he has headed the most successful presidency in my adult lifetime, despite some obvious blunders — worst of all his failure to clearly explain his administration’s wise preference for job salvation and growth over low inflation. And he adopted a badly misguided policy towards the Israeli rampage in Gaza, which for many months emphasized conflict containment. It was more an amoral rather than an immoral policy, but it has damaged American interests by implicating the country in obviously indefensible levels of killing and mayhem inflicted on Palestinian civilians.

Arab and Muslim Americans should note, though, that Mr. Trump called Mr. Biden “a bad Palestinian” as an attempted insult. It was clear he didn’t mean the US president should be a better Palestinian, but rather that being Palestinian is simply a terrible thing. But Mr. Trump’s deep-seated racism is not news, and for part of his base it’s actually a selling point.

Yet, taken as a whole and on a relative basis, I assess Mr. Biden’s presidency as remarkably effective and positive. Therefore, it is extremely painful for me to confront the fact that he’s apparently no longer a plausible candidate for the job – except in contrast to his felonious and profoundly narcissistic opponent.

It’s simply unreasonable to ask the American people to choose someone who is no longer up to the task simply to avoid giving the presidency back to a thoroughly bad person.

Those of us who fear the consequences of a second Trump term must accept now that Mr. Biden should immediately retire and give his party a chance to either elevate the vice president as their standard-bearer or, more wisely, find a way to tap into the deep and talented Democratic Party bench around the country. Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan is an obvious and appealing option, but there are many other plausible alternatives.

Some pundits are insisting it’s impossible for Democrats to change their ticket at this stage. But it obviously isn’t; a candidate can suddenly retire for health-related reasons. If a presumptive candidate were to suddenly pass away, there are mechanisms for addressing that. Given that his candidacy is probably now so implausible, it amounts to the same thing politically.

Democrats are panicking, shocked to discover their leader is too old, if not in years then in focus and acuity. The US president’s main role is that of a chief executive who primarily must appoint the right people. In general, Mr. Biden has done that and could continue to. But too much individual power and decision-making is vested in the office to confidently give it to someone who suffers from so much evident, even if intermittent, mental fog.

Democrats can and should find a new candidate. It is by no means too late. But it’s up to Mr. Biden. If he truly loves his country and believes it’s imperative to stop Mr. Trump’s re-election in order to protect the US democratic and constitutional order – a very reasonable evaluation – he must face the music and step aside, not as President but as the Democratic candidate, without much delay.

If the Democrats stick with Mr. Biden, he could certainly still win, just as Mr Trump survived the disgusting 2016 Access Hollywood video, in which he boasted about grabbing women by their genitalia. But such a gamble would be unconscionable, given that Mr. Trump genuinely poses a significant threat to the US constitutional order.

Mr. Biden must get out of this race as soon as possible.

Both US parties have been hit hard by recent setbacks

This op-ed was published by The National on February 12, 2024

Last week was dreadful for both parties in Washington. Republicans suffered their worst meltdown yet in Congress, this time including the Senate as well as the House of Representatives, underscoring the extent to which the party has become so deeply ideological and extreme it cannot govern or even take “yes” for an answer.

The de facto Republican leader, former president Donald Trump, appears poised for a victory from the Supreme Court probably allowing him to remain on all ballots despite a Colorado Supreme Court ruling citing the constitutional ban on insurrectionists returning to public office.

But he suffered a far more serious defeat when an appellate court held, contrary to his claims, that presidents don’t have permanent immunity for crimes they committed while in office. For Democrats, fresh concerns emerged over President Joe Biden’s age, even as he was cleared of criminal wrongdoing in his own classified documents investigation.

Almost no one was left unscathed.

Republicans’ congressional clown-car crash antics sunk to an astounding nadir. They had been bemoaning the crisis at the US-Mexico border due to unprecedented unauthorised crossings and the immigration system in near-total collapse, and angrily demanding highly restrictive measures to stem the flow of unauthorised crossings which they were sure Democrats could never accept.

Democrats have sought to pair border security with pathways to citizenship, especially those brought to the country as undocumented young children and who have lived exemplary lives. But immigration is Mr. Trump’s key election weapon, so Mr. Biden persuaded most Democrats to move dramatically to the center on border security in order to blunt Republican attacks.

Democrats therefore supported legislation with harsh restrictions and enhanced presidential powers to restrict entry and automatically remove would-be migrants and asylum seekers, without any new citizenship pathway. This far-reaching Republican immigration wishlist was instead paired with military aid for Israel and Ukraine.

Ukraine aid is especially crucial because of adamant opposition of many Trump supporters in Congress who are unsympathetic to Kyiv. Democrats considered military support for Ukraine so vital, and the immigration issue so dangerous, they voted for legislation filled with provisions they would normally flatly reject.

Yet being presented with most of what they were aggressively demanding on a supposedly existential crisis, Republicans suddenly said “absolutely not”. Mr. Trump aggressively insisted that immigration mustn’t be seriously addressed under Mr. Biden, because it would be “a gift” to the Democrats who, he claimed, “don’t care about the issue” but “need it politically”.

The raw electioneering, not to mention psychological projection, was neither subtle nor disguised.

House Republicans naturally hopped to attention and rejected the very measures they had been furiously demanding when they were sure Democrats would oppose them. But, crucially, so did many Senate Republicans, including some of the legislation’s key architects.

Mr Trump’s domination is now essentially total. Senate holdouts caved while looking ridiculous by denouncing legislation they had been demanding as imperative and indispensable and claiming this “existential crisis” is best addressed by the election more than 10 months away. They managed to stumble backwards into the trap they laid for their adversaries.

Worse, their effort to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas collapsed when Representative Mike Gallagher said he wouldn’t support impeaching a senior official over policy disagreements rather than, as the Constitution dictates, “high crimes and misdemeanors”. None were alleged, though Republicans disdain his performance. Another vote is scheduled for next week, and, if past is prologue, the holdouts may well cave and agree to the first US impeachment over policy differences alone.

With Republicans strongly reinforcing the impression they are incapable of anything meaningful, or even taking “yes” for an answer from themselves, Mr Biden suffered his own significant political hit. The special counsel in his classified documents case, a Republican, announced no criminal charges could be sustained, but claimed that in depositions Mr Biden presented himself as “a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.

These strikingly inappropriate claims in any prosecutorial document, especially one announcing no charges, will certainly reinforce the sense among many Americans that Mr Biden may be too old and deteriorated for a second presidential term.

The subsequent uproar underscores that Mr Biden’s age and perceived deteriorating mental competence are, perhaps, his greatest liabilities. Luckily for him, Mr Trump suffers from many similar lapses in public and is only three years younger. Yet it’s going to be essential for Mr Biden, if he remains committed to re-election, take significant steps to offset this impression.

He should release much more detailed health information, and engage more with the press and public in sustained impromptu exchanges. Those who have had extensive and substantive private interactions with him insist that he is well-informed, insightful and clear-headed. It’s essential to show that to a public that has serious doubts.

If he can’t do that, then he should urgently step aside for one of several young Democratic governors who would make very formidable candidates against a seemingly increasingly unhinged Mr Trump. Either way, the burden is now squarely on Mr Biden.

Mr Trump had a mixed week in the courtrooms that appear to be his latest primary residence. He seems likely to appear on all state ballots but, more importantly, also to face one of his most serious criminal trials before the election. His cynical and toxic claim of “absolute immunity” was demolished by a brilliant Washington DC appellate court ruling that appears carefully constructed to give the Supreme Court no plausible basis to overturn it.

Moreover, it would require an unlikely five Supreme Court justices to issue a stay preventing Washington federal Judge Tanya Chutkan from rapidly moving forward with Mr Trump’s trial, now scheduled for March, on his attempts to reverse the 2020 election. If that trial indeed takes place any time before October, Mr Trump could easily become the first major presidential candidate to run as a convicted felon, which will probably prove devastating to his chances. A conviction before the election is also possible in other cases.

Americans have many legitimate doubts about Democrats, but at least they vote for their own legislation. They have doubts about Mr Biden’s age and cognition, but he certainly won’t be convicted of major felonies, found liable for massive fraud and sexual abuse, or facing 91 felony charges. Besides, Mr Trump isn’t exactly an eloquently lucid spring chicken. Despite their growing anxieties, very few Democrats would trade places with Republicans going forward into this crucial election year.